Passionate Explorer: Unveiling the Boundless World of Curiosity, Growth, and Change
Hello friends, new and old!
I’m Claire, author, photographer, and social media manager for Breathing and Laughing. Actually, I wear all the hats… it’s a lot right now, and it’s new, so please laugh with me as I stumble, cause I’ll be laughing (sometimes while I’m cussing and debating on throwing my laptop at the nearest tree). Yes, I can, and do, laugh when I’m frustrated (or angry) . . . maybe I sound a bit maniacal, but that’s okay . . . who’s gonna hear me? It also helps me feel better, calm down, and not throw my laptop.
Today I am not who I was yesterday, and I am not who I will be tomorrow. Life is about change, nothing is static. Like the second law of thermodynamics, change (or chaos) will happen and increase or remain the same, it will never decrease. So, if you wanted your life to stay just the way it is, tough cookies, it won’t. Because even if you tried to remain the same, all of those outside forces aren’t going to. So, again, tough cookies. Change is a’comin.
I will not be the person I was yesterday, or a year ago, or ten years ago. I will choose to be better, to learn, to grow, to live, and to experience. And with that, this “About Me” page will change, not on a daily basis (I have other things to write about that are more interesting, to me anyway), but periodically.
Right now, I’m in a pretty solid state of chaos. Recently, well, maybe not that recently – the beginning of April, right before my birthday, my entire world was flipped upside down. I lost my home, my business and only income, my horses (who were my family), a number of people I thought were friends, and last but most definitely not least, my life’s dream. I really haven’t been right since.
But, I’m working on it. I’m breathing and laughing. I’m taking one day at a time. I’m figuring out who I am now, who I’m going to be.
For those of you that know the sixteen personality types, I’m an INFP (Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Prospecting). And, that really hits the nail on the head for me, regardless of what point I am at in my life.
I’m an extroverted introvert, I need my alone time (and a lot of it). I’m quiet, unless I have something to say, something that I feel is important, or could be helpful to another. I’m extremely empathic, and a big dreamer, and I try to make my dreams and goals happen. I’m an optimist, I think there is more good in this world than bad. Animals and children are my highest priority in life – the defenseless. I’ll do all I can to protect them. Family is next, and I will always take care of my tribe – always. I get overly excited, but not overly emotional. I’m very calm, even in the face of horrors, life flashing before my eyes, or emergencies.
I jump in head first, frequently without doing adequate research. My dad used to tell me I would probably dive into a pool without checking for water. He’s probably right – partially because I get excited, partially because I have ADHD and get distracted very easily, so I wouldn’t be thinking about the water by the time I got to the end of the diving board.
So, with my world having crumbled, I did what I do. I made a suggestion to my partner, Chris, who has chosen this crazy, adventuring life with me, and said, in a nutshell, “Hey, what do you think about living in an RV full-time and going wherever we want?”
Of course, there was more to this conversation. But, quite possibly not as much as there needed to be. Maybe a few things we hadn’t really considered. More on that in other posts. . . But, off to Ohio he went to pick up our brand new RV, while I picked up and packed up what was left of my life, he got his things, and off we went into the woods with our now significantly reduced family.
On the upside, I’ve done many things in my nearly half a century of life. (Wow, that feels really weird to say.) I grew up on a farm with hippie parents and my dad valued and taught me survival skills. I’ve dabbled and been dad-trained in plumbing and electrical, and am pretty independent as far as DIY fix-it projects. I’m mom-trained in cooking by my senses, not recipes, using what’s available and in season, and I have to say, I’m a darn good cook (don’t ask my daughter, she still holds a cinnamon incident against me that happened when she was around 12).
I have a B.S. in Criminal Justice, with a concentration in Human Services, certified as an Integrative Health Coach, Riding Instructor and Trainer, Equine Facility Manager, Trauma Informed and REVIVE! I have a passion for working with abused and neglected animals, particularly horses, as well as with at-risk youth.
I’ve worked in industries including gang prevention programs, banking, gun dog training and kennel management, wildlife rehab and care, retail management, home health care, holistic health coaching and, up until my world imploded, horse rescue, training, and equine therapy.
I have one daughter. She’s now 24 and finding and making her way in life. Beautiful, brilliant, and on occasion an ass (not unlike her mother). She’s currently a Veterinary Assistant, and working toward becoming a Veterinarian. She has informed me on multiple occasions, that when the zombie apocalypse happens, she, her boyfriend, and their critter family will be joining us. She decided this because she is absolutely confident that her mom will survive a zombie apocalypse and keep her alive. I’m not sure what I think of that. . . But, I guess it means I have a decent set of skills for this crazy, rather unplanned, adventure of a traveling life.
Chris and I travel with our furry family. We have three dogs, Avril, an adopted boxer/rottie mix and our most senior dog, Penny, a rescued feral Shepherd mix, and Molly, a Husky/Pittie who was a birthday gift from my daughter when I was looking for a younger farm dog. Molly’s an awesome dog, but definitely not a farm dog! She is, however, having fun learning “search” tasks! Additionally, we have five cats, Fritter, Pryde, Sprite, Sylvanas, and Athena. All of the cats are rescued from one situation or another, and their stories will be posted in the blog (in time lol).
Some interesting links I’d like to share:
- If you don’t know your personality type, and you’re curious, 16Personalities has a great, and what seems to be an accurate test (if you’re honest with your answers), as well as a lot of information about each type of personality. Biggest bonus, you can get a ton of info without having to pay anything, you do have to register with an email address though.
- I highly recommend REVIVE! training. With the opioid crisis growing, NARCAN is vital. I received my training through the Warren County Coalition, they hold regular courses and it is FREE. If you check with your state and/or county, you can probably find a REVIVIE! training near you that is also free.